The trend of Bollywood actors, like Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone, making their presence felt in Hollywood has us very excited. But this is neither a new phenomenon nor is it a one-way street. Actors like Naseeruddin Shah and Anupam Kher have been doing character roles in Hollywood for years. Bollywood films, like Lagaan and Rang De Basanti, had international actors in them in decent roles. However, most international artistes make us go 'WTF' with their Bollywood appearances. You may have found yourself scratching your head when you heard Akon crooning "Chammak Challo," but he was not the only one who made us feel that way.
Kylie Minogue in Blue
Ben Kingsley in Teen Patti
Tata Young in Dhoom
Going by Abhishek Bachchan and Tata Young's faces in this shot, it's safe to assume that even they weren't really feeling this song.
Samantha Fox in Rock Dancer
In case you can't recall her appearance, watch this gem.
Sylvester Stallone in Kambakkht Ishq
Denise Richards in Kambakkht Ishq
Also Read: 10 Big stars who started their career as Air Hostess!
Brandon Routh in Kambakkht Ishq
Holly Valance in Kambakkht Ishq (what is going on?!)
Perhaps we will never know why Tata Young was 'doom'ing us constantly in the Dhoom track, or why on earth would Kylie Minogue sing the nightmarish "Chiggy Wiggy" song. But, and we know this for sure, Kambakkht Ishq wins the award for having the maximum number of ridiculous and unnecessary appearances by Hollywood actors in any Bollywood film.